Monthly Archives: February 2022

It’s 2022 and I am trying to crawl out from under a rock

Phew – finally I am sitting down to write this post. Nearly 2 years since I wrote my last blog post and I have missed this. It’s my birthday and this is as good a day as any to re-energise my blogging.

Let’s be honest the last 2 years were hard for everyone, I didn’t feel like reading or writing about DevOps when my podcast listening list was full of Corona podcasts instead of DevOps and Agile, when I was following the case and vaccination numbers like I normally follow football scores from the Bundesliga and when the idea of speaking at a conference meant to sit at home in front of a camera. Now I think the tide has turned and I am honestly ready to crawl out from under the Corona rock.

Both in my professional and private life there was lots of interesting stuff happening and I came through the last 2 years with my sanity and health mostly intact (well trying to work from home as two working parents with no childcare meant sanity got a new definition around my house…)

So what to expect from me – well I set myself the goal to post once a month to ease back into it. My topics will include the usual Agile and DevOps topics but given I spent more time with cloud migrations you might see a few of those posts too. And indeed the next post will be my reflections on the state of cloud migrations, which I will hopefully get out next week.

I am looking forward to reengage with the DevOps and Agile community and to hopefully meet many of you again in person at a conference in the hallway track or just in a bar over a scotch. Here is to hoping 2022 is a step back to writing and putting my thinking into this blog format.

And on a sidenote I am writing a utility to optimise my solar system by using the battery in my Tesla M3 in the best way – I started to write up what I am doing in a separate blog. If you follow me on twitter I will share what I am doing once I have put it in a shareable format.